Tuesday, August 30, 2011

One Word Substitution 7

One word substitution is very important to write precisely and speak in a single word.In English language there are a lot of single words for a group of words. So, speak precisely and avoid the fear of misunderstood. Let me quote some one words for a
group of words.

This is the set-7 of our posts of one-word substitution.Stay in touch for the next update.

  • A place where birds are kept: Aviary.
  • A place where medicines are compounded: Dispensary.
  • The kitchen of a ship: Galley.
  • A place where money is coined: Mint.
  • An underground place for storing wine or other provisions: Cellar.
  • One who attends to the diseases of the eye: Oculist.
  • A person who draws plans for buildings: Draughtsman.
  • A person who deals in clothes and other fabrics: Draper.
  • A person who studies the stars: Astronomer.
  • A person who collects postage stamps: Philatelist.
  • A radical change in the Government: Revolution.
  • Science dealing with sound: Acoustics.
  • Looking into one’s mind: Introspection.
  • A person who spends money recklessly: Spendthrift.
  • Everlasting punishment after death: Perdition.
  • Study of history of the earth; Cosmology.
  • Allowance due to a wife from her husband after separation: Alimony.
  • One who takes delight in excessive cruelty: Sadist.
  • Agreement to stop fighting: Armistice.
  • An extract kept from something spoken or written: Snippet.
  • A disease which spreads by contact: Contagious.
  • Lived at the same time: Contemporary.
  • The place where public, govt. or historical records are kept: Archives.
  • Too much official formality: Red-tapism.
  • A speech delivered without previous preparation: Extempore.

Monday, August 29, 2011

One Word Substitution 6

One word substitution is very important to write precisely and speak in a single word.In English language there are a lot of
single words for a group of words. So, speak precisely and avoid the fear of misunderstood. Let me quote some one words for a
group of words.

This is the set-6 of our upcoming posts of one-word substitution.Stay in touch for the next update.

  • Water fit for drinking: Potable
  • Lover of mankind: Philanthropist
  • One who has no money: Pauper
  • One who loves mankind: Philanthropist
  • One who looks on the dark side of things: Pessimist
  • One who copies from other writers: Plagiarist
  • One who knows many languages: Polyglot
  • One who goes on foot: Pedestrian
  • A Government by the rich: Plutocracy
  • Practice of having several wives: Polygamy
  • Practice of having several husbands: Polyandry
  • A book published after the death of its author: Posthumous
  • A study of the body: Physiology
  • Murder of a father: Patricide
  • To write under a different name: Pseudonym
  • An animal who preys on other animals: Predator
  • Murder of the king: Regicide
  • One who speaks less: Reticent
  • Violating the sanctity of a church: Sacrilege
  • Murder of self: Suicide
  • One who is indifferent to pleasure or pain: Stoic
  • One who helps others Good: Samaritan
  • An office with high salary but no work: Sinecure
  • A drug or other substance that induces sleep: Soporific
  • One who changes sides: Turncoat
  • One who believe in God: Theist
  • That through which light can pass: Transparent
  • That through which light can partly pass: Translucent
  • One who works for free: Volunteer
  • One who always thinks himself to be ill: Valetudinarian
  • One who can throw his voice: Ventriloquist
  • One who damages public property: Vandal
  • A study of animals: Zoology
If any visitor wants to share their knowledge with us, please type it within the comment area or mail me at sdas1799@gmail.com.

One Word Substitution 5

One word substitution is very important to write precisely and speak in a single word.In English language there are a lot of single words for a group of words. So, speak precisely and avoid the fear of misunderstood. Let me quote some one words for a group of words.

This is the set-5 of our upcoming posts of one-word substitution.Stay in touch for the next update.

  • A handwriting that cannot be read: Illegible
  • The area over which an official has control: Jurisdiction
  • That which is lawful: Legal
  • The first speech made by a person: Maiden
  • Hater of mankind: Misanthropist
  • One who can do anything for money: Mercenary
  • One who hates women: Misogynist
  • One who hates mankind: Misanthrope
  • A Government by a king or queen: Monarchy
  • Practice of having one wife or husband: Monogamy
  • Murder of a mother: Matricide
  • A person who does not believe in the institution of marriage: Misogamist
  • Science of coins or medals: Numismatics
  • Rule by the mob: Mobocracy
  • One who is a newcomer: Neophyte
  • Science of coins or medals: Numismatics
  • One who is all powerful: Omnipotent
  • An animal or a human being that eats any kind of food: Omnivorous
  • One who is present everywhere: Omnipresent
  • One who knows everything: Omniscient
  • One who looks on the bright side of things: Optimist
  • A Government by the few: Oligarchy
  • That through which light cannot pass: Opaque
  • A place where orphans live: Orphanage
  • A study of birds: Ornithology
  • A thing no longer in use: Obsolete
  • A supposed cure for all diseases or problems: Panacea
  • A person supported by another and giving him/her nothing in return: Parasite
  • Systematic study of election trends: Psephology
  • One who does not care for art, literature etc.: Philistine
If any visitor wants to share their knowledge with us, please type it within the comment area or mail me at sdas1799@gmail.com.